Prints - Billboard Art


This piece of art was created for a big (19m x 4.5m) billboard just outside Geelong and celebrates the magic of summer in the town and surrounding areas. It was commissioned by TOM (Total Outdoor Media).

See full image below. Prints available upon request.

Size: 63.5cm long x 18.5cm wide. Hand drawn, signed.

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This piece of art was created for a big (19m x 4.5m) billboard just outside Geelong and celebrates the magic of summer in the town and surrounding areas. It was commissioned by TOM (Total Outdoor Media).

See full image below. Prints available upon request.

Size: 63.5cm long x 18.5cm wide. Hand drawn, signed.

This piece of art was created for a big (19m x 4.5m) billboard just outside Geelong and celebrates the magic of summer in the town and surrounding areas. It was commissioned by TOM (Total Outdoor Media).

See full image below. Prints available upon request.

Size: 63.5cm long x 18.5cm wide. Hand drawn, signed.

Prints - My Piggy Flies (Billboard Edition)